Name: Dr David Clynes
Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford

Events this person is hosting:

Friday 24 April 2015 (0th Week, Trinity Term)

A career within the Innovation Triple Helix
Date: 24 April 2015, 13:00 - 14:00 (Friday, 0th week, Trinity 2015)
Speaker : Dr David Hardman (CEO, Innovation Birmingham Ltd)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Seminar room
Organiser: Liz Rose (University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine)
Hosts: Dr Danuta Jeziorska (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford), Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Friday 19 June 2015 (8th Week, Trinity Term)

From plasmid to patent attorney
Date: 19 June 2015, 13:00 - 14:00 (Friday, 8th week, Trinity 2015)
Speaker : Robert Stephen (Partner, Olswang LLP)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Seminar room
Organiser: Liz Rose (University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine)
Hosts: Dr Danuta Jeziorska (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford), Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Friday 26 February 2016 (6th Week, Hilary Term)

The function and execution of RTEL1 activities at vertebrate telomeres
Date: 26 February 2016, 13:00 - 14:00 (Friday, 6th week, Hilary 2016)
Speaker : Dr Simon Boulton (The Francis Crick Institute, London)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Seminar room
Organiser: Liz Rose (University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine)
Host: Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Monday 16 April 2018 (0th Week, Trinity Term)

The role of ATRX during DNA double-strand break repair
Date: 16 April 2018, 11:00 - 12:00 (Monday, 0th week, Trinity 2018)
Speaker : Professor Markus Löbrich (Technical University Darmstadt Biology, Department of Biology)
Venue: Old Road Campus Research Building, Headington OX3 7DQ
Venue Details: Meeting rooms 71a, b and c
Organisers: TBA
Host: Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Monday 29 October 2018 (4th Week, Michaelmas Term)

The role of ATRX in repairing internal and telomeric DNA double-strand breaks
Date: 29 October 2018, 11:00 - 12:00 (Monday, 4th week, Michaelmas 2018)
Speaker : Professor Markus Löbrich (Technical University Darmstadt Biology)
Venue: Old Road Campus Research Building, Headington OX3 7DQ
Venue Details: Meeting rooms 71a,b,c
Organisers: TBA
Host: Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Monday 2 December 2019 (8th Week, Michaelmas Term)

The “dark side” of the genome: how histone H3K9 methylation stabilizes repeats
Date: 2 December 2019, 13:00 - 14:00 (Monday, 8th week, Michaelmas 2019)
Speaker : Prof Susan Gasser (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Seminar Room
Organiser: Liz Cloke (MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)
Host: Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Monday 20 January 2020 (1st Week, Hilary Term)

New Targeted Therapeutics to Enhance the Radiation Response of Tumours
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Status: This talk has been cancelled
Date: 20 January 2020, 13:00 - 14:00 (Monday, 1st week, Hilary 2020)
Speaker : Professor Amato Giaccia (University of Oxford)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Seminar Room
Organiser: Liz Cloke (WIMM, University of Oxford)
Host: Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Monday 2 March 2020 (7th Week, Hilary Term)

New Targeted Therapeutics to Enhance the Radiation Response of Tumours
Date: 2 March 2020, 13:00 - 14:00 (Monday, 7th week, Hilary 2020)
Speaker : Professor Amato Giaccia (University of Oxford)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Seminar Room
Organiser: Liz Cloke (WIMM, University of Oxford)
Host: Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Monday 15 June 2020 (8th Week, Trinity Term)

Cyclin B1 and the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint: a 15 year odyssey
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Status: This talk has been cancelled
Date: 15 June 2020, 13:00 - 14:00 (Monday, 8th week, Trinity 2020)
Speaker : Prof Jon Pines (ICR, Chester Beatty Labs, London)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Seminar Room
Organiser: Liz Cloke (MRC WIMM)
Host: Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Monday 1 March 2021 (7th Week, Hilary Term)

Date: 1 March 2021, 13:00 - 14:00 (Monday, 7th week, Hilary 2021)
Speaker : Dr Ross Chapman (University of Oxford)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Zoom
Organiser: kate forbes (MHU, WIMM, University of Oxford)
Host: Dr David Clynes (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)