Name: Samuel Nayler

Events this person is speaking at:

Friday 15 March 2019 (9th Week, Hilary Term)

POSTPONED - Dissecting and directing cerebellar ontogenesis – towards an organoid model for understanding disease of the cerebellum
Date: 15 March 2019, 10:30 - 11:30 (Friday, 9th week, Hilary 2019)
Speaker : Samuel Nayler (DPAG)
Venue: Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Headington OX3 7BN
Venue Details: Room K
Organisers: Fabiola Curion (Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics), Rory Bowden (Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics)
Hosts: TBA

Friday 5 April 2019 (12th Week, Hilary Term)

Dissecting and directing cerebellar ontogenesis – towards an organoid model for understanding disease of the cerebellum
Date: 5 April 2019, 10:30 - 11:30 (Friday, 12th week, Hilary 2019)
Speaker : Samuel Nayler (DPAG)
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA