Name: Professor Giampietro Schiavo
Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, UCL-Institute of Neurology

Events this person is speaking at:

Friday 16 June 2017 (8th Week, Trinity Term)

GUEST SPEAKER - Professor Giampietro Schiavo, Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, UCL-Institute of Neurology : ‘Basal lamina components as determinants of the uptake and axonal transport of pathogens and growth factors’
Date: 16 June 2017, 13:00 - 14:00 (Friday, 8th week, Trinity 2017)
Speaker : Professor Giampietro Schiavo (Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, UCL-Institute of Neurology)
Venue: Sherrington Building, off Parks Road OX1 3PT
Venue Details: DPAG, Large Lecture Theatre, Sherrington Building, off South Parks and Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PT - 01865 272500
Organiser: Sarah Noujaim (University of Oxford, Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics)
Host: Professor Zoltan Molnar (DPAG, University of Oxford)

Tuesday 4 June 2019 (6th Week, Trinity Term)

Take the long way home: axonal transport, organelle dynamics and neurodegenerative diseases
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Status: This talk has been cancelled
Date: 4 June 2019, 12:00 - 13:00 (Tuesday, 6th week, Trinity 2019)
Speaker : Professor Giampietro Schiavo (Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, UCL-Institute of Neurology)
Venue: Pharmacology, off Mansfield Road OX1 3QT
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Carolyn Thackrah (University of Oxford, Department of Pharmacology)
Host: Dr Liliana Minichiello (Reader in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience)