Name: Dr Richard Hahnloser
Institute of Neuroinformatics at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich

Events this person is speaking at:

Monday 10 October 2016 (1st Week, Michaelmas Term)

Social learning in songbirds: dissecting neural algorithms using behavioural experiments
Date: 10 October 2016, 16:00 - 17:30 (Monday, 1st week, Michaelmas 2016)
Speaker : Dr Richard Hahnloser (Institute of Neuroinformatics at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich)
Venue: Le Gros Clark Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QX
Venue Details: Le Gros Clark Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Ines Barreiros (University of Oxford)
Host: Ines Barreiros (University of Oxford)