Name: Dr Lisa Forsberg

Events this person is speaking at:

Friday 11 November 2022 (5th Week, Michaelmas Term)

Law and Medical Ethics
Date: 11 November 2022, 14:30 - 16:30 (Friday, 5th week, Michaelmas 2022)
Speaker : Dr Lisa Forsberg
Venue Details: Seminar Room, Suite 1 Littlegate House
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 8 December 2022 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)

The Concept and Ethics of Laziness Workshop
Date: 8 December 2022, 9:30 - 13:00 (Thursday, 9th week, Michaelmas 2022)
Speaker s: Gwen Bradford (Rice University), Joel Anderson (Utrecht University), Dr Lisa Forsberg, Prof. Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus University), Professor Roger Crisp (University of Oxford), Tom Parr (University of Warwick), Dr Katrien Devolder (University of Oxford)
Venue: Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road OX2 6GG
Venue Details: Ryle Room
Organiser: Dr Katrien Devolder (University of Oxford)
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 25 January 2024 (2nd Week, Hilary Term)

John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill on Women’s Place in Society: Differences, Affinities, and Inspirations
Date: 25 January 2024, 17:00 - 18:00 (Thursday, 2nd week, Hilary 2024)
Speaker s: Elżbieta Filipow (University of Warsaw), Dr Lisa Forsberg
Venue: St Cross College, St Giles OX1 3LZ
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Dr Hazem Zohny (University of Oxford)
Host: Dr Hazem Zohny (University of Oxford)