Name: Nora Fisher Onar
Coastal Carolina University
Events this person is speaking at:
Tuesday 24 October 2017
Davids and Goliath: Can an area studies-global IR conversation help shape the discipline? (CIS, SIAS and ESC Co-Sponsored Talk)
Date: 24 October 2017, 12:15 - 14:00
Nora Fisher Onar (Coastal Carolina University)
Venue: 12 Bevington Road, 12 Bevington Road OX2 6LH
Venue Details: Ground Floor Seminar Room, 11 Bevington Road, SIAS
Dr Paul Irwin Crooks (School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies),
Kate Sullivan de Estrada (St Antony's College),
Kalypso Nicolaidis (St Antony's College)