Name: Professor Peter Dobson
OBE, BSc, MA (Oxon), PhD, C Phys, F Inst P, Member of the ACS, FRCS. (The Queen’s College, Oxford)

Events this person is speaking at:

Wednesday 1 February 2017 (3rd Week, Hilary Term)

How to write a business plan
Date: 1 February 2017, 18:30 - 21:30 (Wednesday, 3rd week, Hilary 2017)
Speaker : Professor Peter Dobson (OBE, BSc, MA (Oxon), PhD, C Phys, F Inst P, Member of the ACS, FRCS. (The Queen’s College, Oxford))
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: Seminar Room
Organiser: Innovation Forum Oxford
Host: Dr Danuta Jeziorska (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford)

Wednesday 25 April 2018 (1st Week, Trinity Term)

Kellogg Science and Humanities Seminars - New Technologies: Trends and Risks, Technoscapes and Techno-Futures
Date: 25 April 2018, 9:30 - 16:00 (Wednesday, 1st week, Trinity 2018)
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue: Kellogg College, 62 Banbury Road OX2 6PN
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA