Oxford Talks
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Green Recovery Now
University of Oxford
Events this person is hosting:
Thursday 15 July 2021
Green and Fair Economics for the Post-Covid World: Green Growth, Degrowth and Indigenous Thinking
Beth Stratford
(New Economics Foundation)
Laura Rival
(University of Oxford)
Timothee Parrique
(University of Oxford)
Events this person is organising:
Thursday 25 March 2021
Green Recovery Now Launch Event: Is a Green Recovery Inherently Fair?
Dr Lisa Schipper
(Overseas Development Institute and Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford)
Dr Ryan Rafaty
(Economics of Sustainability, INET Oxford)
Friday 2 July 2021
Has COVID-19 Changed How We Prepare for Climate Change?
Dr Friederike Otto
(University of Oxford Environmental Change Institute)
Prof John Broome
(University of Oxford)
Thursday 15 July 2021
Green and Fair Economics for the Post-Covid World: Green Growth, Degrowth and Indigenous Thinking
Beth Stratford
(New Economics Foundation)
Laura Rival
(University of Oxford)
Timothee Parrique
(University of Oxford)