Oxford Talks
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Anne L Ryan
Oxford Energy Coordinator
Events this person is organising:
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Scientific, technical and economic factors in the production of ‘green’ ammonia
Rene Banares-Alcantara
(Reader in Engineering Science, University of Oxford)
Edman Tsang
(Head of Wolfson Catalysis Centre at the University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 1 May 2018
From Innovation to Series Production | BMW Group Electric Powertrain
Andreas Loehrke
(BMW Group)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 8 May 2018
Oxford Energy - There is no talk today.
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 22 May 2018
Direct air capture of CO2 - what’s it got to do with energy policy?
Professor Myles Allen
(Environmental Change Institute, University Of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 12 June 2018
Taming the sun: innovations to harness solar energy and power the planet (Oxford Martin School)
Varun Sivaram
(Philip D. Reed Fellow for Science and Technology at the Council on Foreign Relations, Georgetown University)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 19 June 2018
Estimating Demand for Electric Vehicles in Low- and Middle-income Households (Joint OxCarre Seminar Series/INET))
Dave Rapson
(Associate Professor, Department of Economics, UC Davis)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 23 October 2018
Energy and happiness
Dr Philipp Grunewald
(University of Oxford, Oxford University Centre for the Environment)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 30 October 2018
Understanding fossil fuel consumption growth: why history matters
Simon Pirani
(University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 6 November 2018
Electricity demand management in a cool climate – a little theory and quite a lot of practice
Dr Sarah Darby
(ECI, University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 20 November 2018
Could renewables completely replace fossil fuels?
Jo Coleman
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 27 November 2018
Oxford Energy Christmas Drinks reception
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Oxford Energy Network
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 22 January 2019
Building Capacity in Energy Systems, the new interdisciplinary MSc for 2019/20
David Wallom
(University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 5 February 2019
Cumulative emissions of carbon - a path to halting climate change?
Dr Joeri Rogelj
(OMS Fellow)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 12 February 2019
Is it really the end of internal combustion engines and petroleum in transport?
Professor Gautam Kalghatgi
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 26 February 2019
What’s happening in PV?
Dr Chris Case
(Chief Technology Officer, Oxford PV)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 5 March 2019
How Environmentally Sustainable is Oxford University?
Harriet Waters
(Head of Environmental Sustainability, University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 30 April 2019
Opportunity in crisis: Ten surprising ways to use CO2 to produce valuable products at the gigatonne scale
Cameron Hepburn
Cameron Hepburn
(Smith School, University of Oxford )
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 7 May 2019
Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire)
Booking is recommended for this talk.
Prof Malcolm McCulloch
(Head of the University of Oxford’s Electrical Power Group and Co-Director of The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 14 May 2019
Catalytic Activation of Carbon Dioxide to make Polymers and Fuels
Charlotte K Williams
(Oxford Chemistry)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 21 May 2019
Energy sufficiency: living well, within the limits. Dr Tina Fawcett, ECI, CREDS
Dr Tina Fawcett
(CREDS, University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 28 May 2019
Are UK attachments to nuclear power at least partly a military romance?
Andy Stirling
(SPRU University of Sussex)
Phil Johnstone
(SPRU University of Sussex)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 11 June 2019
Energy Superhub Oxford (ESO)
Profess David Howey
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 18 June 2019
Empowering the great energy transition while fossil fuels are still abundant: The U.S. challenge
Energy Colloquia Series
Empowering the great energy transition while fossil fuels are still abundant: The U.S. challenge
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 22 October 2019
Integrating Renewable Energy: Opportunities and Challenges
Dr Helen Gavin
(ECI, University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 29 October 2019
Nature’s chemical energy circuits: taking inspiration from hydrogen in biology
Professor Kylie Vincent
(University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 5 November 2019
A History of the Transitions in Energy Service Demand
Roger Fouquet
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 19 November 2019
A Win-Win for everyone? Demand-side Flexibility and People's Activities
Professor Jacopo Torriti
(University of Reading)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 21 January 2020
Net Zero: The role of domestic building energy efficiency
Tadj Oreszczyn
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 28 January 2020
An Empirical Analysis of the Fiscal Incidence of Renewable Energy Support in the European Union
Dr Lawrence Haar
(Brookes University, Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 18 February 2020
Climbing the energy services ladder: transitions in India’s urban energy consumption amid a changing global climate
Dr Radhika Khosla
(Centre for Policy Research, Delhi)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 25 February 2020
POSTPONED to 2 June | Are women to blame for high demand?
Dr Philipp Grünewald
(ECI, University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 3 March 2020
POSTPONED to 26 May | Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Design for Offshore Wind Turbines
Professor Byron Byrne
(Engineering Dept., University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 28 April 2020
The limits of energy sufficiency: A review of the evidence for rebound effects and negative spillovers from behavioural change - this talk will be delivered online visit www.energy.ox.ac.uk for more information
Professor Steven R Sorrell
(SPRU, University of Sussex)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 12 May 2020
Postponed to Michelmas Term 2020: Objectively assessing the (in)compatibility of power assets with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.
Ben Caldecott
(Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 26 May 2020
Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Design for Offshore Wind Turbines | Now online | Register @ www.energy.ox.ac.uk/colloquia
Now online | Register @ www.energy.ox.ac.uk/colloquia
Professor Byron Byrne
(Director, EPSRC CDT in Renewable Energy Marine Structures, University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 9 June 2020
"What can we learn about energy use from activity patterns during a lockdown?" - Now online | Register @ www.energy.ox.ac.uk/colloquia
Now online | Register @ www.energy.ox.ac.uk/colloquia
Dr Philipp Grunewald
(University of Oxford, Oxford University Centre for the Environment)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 16 June 2020
Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire) – How are Local Networks Enabling the Energy Transition Online | Register @ www.energy.ox.ac.uk/colloquia
Now online | Register @ www.energy.ox.ac.uk/colloquia
Melanie Bryce
Energy Colloquia Series
Wednesday 14 October 2020
Energy and the Anthropocene
This event is part of a student lecture series. Please go to www.energy.ox.ac.uk events for for further information.
Professor Nick Eyre
(Environmental Change Institute)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 27 October 2020
Objectively assessing the (in)compatibility of power assets with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs
This is an online event. Please register to sign up at www.energy.ox.ac.uk
Dr Ben Caldecott
(University of Oxford Smith School of Enterprise)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 10 November 2020
The road to net-zero: what we need to get right
This is an online event. Please register to sign up at www.energy.ox.ac.uk.
Dr Juliet Davenport
(CEO, Good Energy)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 17 November 2020
Energy access and off-grid electrification in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
This is an online event. To sign up register through www.energy.ox.ac.uk
Dr Susann Stritzke
(Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 24 November 2020
Towards just transitions to low-carbon mobility
This is an online event. To sign up register through www.energy.ox.ac.uk
Professor Tim Schwanen
(Transport Studies Unit University of Oxford )
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 1 December 2020
Net Zero and beyond: creating a carbon storage market
This is an online event. Please register to sign up at www.energy.ox.ac.uk.
Professor Stuart Haszeldine
(University of Edinburgh)
Energy Colloquia Series
Tuesday 23 November 2021
Pathways to a zero carbon Oxfordshire
Please note that this is a hybrid event. You will need to register and choose whether you wish to attend in person or online. The online link will be sent out at 10 am on the day.
Sam Hampton
(ECI, University of Oxford)
Oxford Energy Seminars 2021-2022