Oxford Talks
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Dr Francois van Loggerenberg
The Global Health Network, University of Oxford
Events this person is hosting:
Tuesday 18 August 2015
Trials and Tribulations: the Experience of an Ebola Clinical Research Team in West Africa
Lunch provided. Please arrive promptly. Venue has limited seating - first come, first served. When leaving the building, please use the pedestrian path and not the road.
Dr Jake Dunning
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Tuesday 24 November 2015
Research papers that make a difference: discussing research waste, reproducibility and impact
Refreshments provided - please arrive early. First come, first served.
Dr Iveta Simera
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Friday 4 December 2015
Moving the Centre of Gravity of Research in Africa
Spaces are limited
Professor Kevin Marsh
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Friday 5 February 2016
Searching for a vaccine for melioidosis, and Update on the Zika virus epidemic
Professor Susanna Dunachie
(University of Oxford)
Professor Peter Horby
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Tuesday 1 March 2016
Travel Medicine in the era of Chikungunya, Ebola, and Zika virus
Dr Daniel Caplivski
(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Thursday 14 April 2016
RAPIDE Platform for Ebola treatment studies
Refreshments are provided, please arrive in good time.
Professor Peter Horby
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Friday 15 April 2016
Ebola: Response, sequencing, vaccines and survivors
Please note new time. Refreshments provided - please arrive early
Professor Miles W Carrol
(Public Health England)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Tuesday 19 April 2016
Putting Programmers into Programs: modelling and capacity building in malaria control programs
Refreshments provided - please arrive early
Prof Lisa White
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Friday 3 June 2016
A round-trip journey developing evidence-based guidelines for Kenyan children with indrawing pneumonia
Dr. Ambrose Agweyu
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Thursday 9 June 2016
Pay for performance in health systems: Theory, evidence and case studies
Professor Richard Scheffler
(UC Berkeley School of Public Health)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Thursday 19 January 2017
Neurological complications of Zika virus. The experience in Pernambuco (Recife, Brazil)
Refreshments provided. Please arrive in good time.
Maria Lúcia Brito Ferreira
(Restoration Hospital, Recife, Brazil)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Events this person is organising:
Monday 15 June 2015
Consulting research stakeholders in Kilifi on fair practice in research data sharing: Findings and policy implications
Refreshments will be provided - Please arrive promptly.
Dr Vicki Marsh
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Tuesday 18 August 2015
Trials and Tribulations: the Experience of an Ebola Clinical Research Team in West Africa
Lunch provided. Please arrive promptly. Venue has limited seating - first come, first served. When leaving the building, please use the pedestrian path and not the road.
Dr Jake Dunning
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Friday 4 December 2015
Moving the Centre of Gravity of Research in Africa
Spaces are limited
Professor Kevin Marsh
(University of Oxford)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars
Thursday 9 June 2016
Pay for performance in health systems: Theory, evidence and case studies
Professor Richard Scheffler
(UC Berkeley School of Public Health)
Tropical Medicine Global Health Seminars