Oxford Talks
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Stephen Suryasentana
University of Oxford
Events this person is organising:
Friday 14 June 2019
Detection of Failure of Monitoring Systems using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing - Healthcare and Automotive applications
Dr. Alice Cicirello
(University of Oxford)
1st Oxford Cross-disciplinary Applications of Machine Learning Workshop 2019
Forecasting the Performance of Tunnel Boring Machines using Gaussian Processes
Dr. Brian Sheil
(University of Oxford)
1st Oxford Cross-disciplinary Applications of Machine Learning Workshop 2019
Artificial Intelligence for the Next Generation of Healthcare Interventions
Dr. Tingting Zhu
(University of Oxford)
1st Oxford Cross-disciplinary Applications of Machine Learning Workshop 2019
Machine Learning to Detect Fetal Compromise during Labour and Delivery
Dr. Antoniya Georgieva
(University of Oxford)
1st Oxford Cross-disciplinary Applications of Machine Learning Workshop 2019
Continual Task Learning in Biological and Artificial Neural Networks
Timo Flesch
(University of Oxford)
1st Oxford Cross-disciplinary Applications of Machine Learning Workshop 2019
Thursday 27 February 2020
Extreme Physics, Extreme data
Dr. Peter Hatfield
(University of Oxford)
Machine Learning Research Cluster Seminar Series at Wolfson College