Reading Group on Iberian History (Medieval & Early Modern)

Wednesdays, Weeks 3, 5 & 7, 14:00-15:30
Cohen Quad, Exeter College, Walton Street, Oxford

This term the meetings of the Reading Group will organised as a series under the general title ‘Rereading Fuente Ovejuna’.

Preliminary knowledge of the play is strongly recommended. The text can be accessed in one of the following versions:
Spanish edition: Lope de Vega, Fuente Ovejuna, ed. R. Froldi (Espasa-Calpe)
English edition: Lope de Vega, Fuenteovejuna, trans. G.J. Racz (Yale, 2010) OR Lope de Vega, Fuente Ovejuna, trans. L. Boswell (Bloomsbury, 2016)
Bilingual edition: Lope de Vega, Fuente Ovejuna, ed. and trans. V. Dixon (Aris and Phillips 1989)
Preliminary knowledge of the author and the scholarship on the play is not required. However, those interested in some introductory reading can refer to the following bibliography:

For an introduction to Lope de Vega, see the chapter ‘Lope de Vega’ in J. Thacker, A companion to Golden Age theatre (2007), pp. 23-55. For a more extensive overview, see A companion to Lope de Vega, edited by A. Samson and J. Thacker (2008), esp. the chapter by A. Samson and J. Thacker ‘Three canonical plays’, pp. 119-130. Specifically on Fuente Ovejuna see V. Dixon’s introduction to his edition of Fuente Ovejuna (1989) and P.E. Larson, ‘Fuente Ovejuna: History, historiography, and literary history’, Bulletin of the Comediantes 53:2 (2001): 267-290.

Attendance is free.

NB: The PDFs of the readings on which each meeting is based are pre-circulated via email, but can also be obtained by writing to

For more info visit this page on the Iberian History at Oxford:

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