Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry Events (SHAC)

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) has a long and distinguished history, having first been founded by J.R. Partington (1886-1965), Frank Sherwood Taylor (1897-1956) and Douglas McKie (1896-1967) in 1935.

Today the Society is managed by a Council of 13 to 18 members. The Council normally meets twice a year. It has five officers: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, and Editor of Ambix and Ambix Secretary. Further roles are carried out by members of Council or by observers at Council. The Annual General Meeting of the Society is held in the Autumn of each year. The Society is registered as a charity (nr. 1190304) in England and Wales and is governed by its Constitution. Members who wish to view the Society’s Rules, which cover managerial matters, or require information on the earlier charity beyond that which is available on the Charity Commission website should contact: society [at]

Saturday 29 March 2025

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