IR Research Colloquium

The Colloquium provides a forum where doctoral students, post-docs, visitors and faculty can present their work; where we can discuss shared theoretical and analytical issues; and where people with diverse theoretical approaches and commitments within IR can come together. It also provides doctoral students with the opportunity to discuss shared theoretical and analytical issues within the broader Oxford IR community. The presented papers form the basis both for discussing how advanced research may best be carried out and for talking about more practical issues -such as how to turn a thesis into a journal article, how to think about publication, and how to organize conference panels.

The format is as follows: a pre-circulated paper sent to participants on the Monday before the Thursday talk; a 20-30-minute presentation by the author speaking to the main arguments of the paper and/or the broader research project of which it forms a part; and finally an open Q&A.

The Colloquium is open to all graduate students in Politics and International Relations. Papers will mostly relate to academic International Relations but the Colloquium seeks to draw in those working on the borders of Politics and International Relations and to encourage a pluralist approach in terms of methods and forms of analysis, including from within closely related disciplines and subject areas.

Thursday 13 March 2025

Friday 14 March 2025

This series features in the following public collections: