Tolkien seminars

Week 1 (24 January) Dimitra Fimi (University of Glasgow) ‘Tolkien the Mythographer’
Week 2 (31 January) Kit Richards (University of Birmingham) ‘The Dwarves are a race apart’: Tolkien’s contribution to the specialisation of dwarves in popular fantasy’
Week 3 (7 February) Rebekah Lamb (University of St Andrews) ‘Tolkien’s Forms of Detachment’
Week 5 (21 February) Rafael Pascual (University of Granada) ‘Tolkien and old English prosody’
Week 6 (28 February) Patrick Curry (University of Wales Trinity St David) ‘Themes in The Lord of the Rings: A Defence and an Exploration’
Week 7 (7 March) Carl Phelpstead (University of Cardiff) ‘‘Alight Here for Middle-earth!’: Tolkien, Place, and the Past’
Week 8 (14 March) Mareike Huber (University of Freiburg) ‘Languages on the Move: Tolkien’s Invented Languages and Their Use in Adaptations’
For more details:

The seminars will take place on Fridays during term time, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., in the Rainolds Room at Corpus Christi College in Merton Street. Please ask the porters for directions. No registration is required.

We look forward to welcoming you to the first seminar next Friday (24 January), featuring Dimitra Fimi, Professor of Fantasy and Children’s Literature at the University of Glasgow and one of the most prominent Tolkien scholars of this generation.

Friday 14 March 2025

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