Fertility and Reproduction Seminars

A Joint Seminar of the Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group and COMPAS

Director: Dr Philip Kreager
Deputy Director: Dr Nadine Beckmann

Hilary Term 2023: Fertility and Vulnerability
Seminars will take place at The Pauling Centre for Human Sciences, 58a Banbury Road, on Mondays at 17:00, unless otherwise specified, with a mix of hybrid and online presentations. You are welcome to watch the online presentations at The Pauling Centre.

Zoom joining link: spi-ox-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/81072394218?pwd=NUpKUU1ROFIwb1ZvR3lwMHJVcXN1dz09
Type: Seminar Series
Series organisers: Kaveri Qureshi (Edinburgh University), Laura Sochas (Oxford University), Philip Kreager (Director, FRSG)
Timing: Mondays 17:00, unless otherwise specified
Organising department: Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology


No upcoming talks to display for this series.
Editor: Belinda Clark