Annual: Corcoran Memorial Lecture

The Corcoran Memorial lectures are named in memory of Stephen Corcoran who was a graduate student in the Department of Statistics until his death in 1996. Stephen was a student of Wadham College, Oxford and graduated First Class Honours in Mathematics in 1991. He subsequently gained a Diploma in Mathematical Statistics from Cambridge University before returning to Oxford to study for a D.Phil in Statistics.

Stephen’s research was in the field of empirical likelihood. He made substantial progress in this work but sadly his thesis remained unfinished at the time of his death from cancer. Part of Stephen’s uncompleted thesis was edited by Professor A. C. Davison and published in Biometrika (1998, pages 967-972).

A family bequest has established an annual lecture in honour of Stephen in which distinguished guest lecturers are invited to deliver a lecture on important aspects of their work. In addition, the Corcoran Memorial Prize is awarded every two years to students of the Department of Statistics for outstanding graduate work. The prizewinners are also invited to give a lecture.

Thursday 20 February 2025