Ideas and Political Violence seminars

Over the course of Trinity Term 2018, the Department of Politics and International Relations will continue last year’s successful Ideas and Political Violence (IPV) seminars, with talks held on Thursdays at 4pm, in Lecture Room 6 at New College. We have an exciting line-up of speakers and welcome interested attendees from across the university. The relationship between ideas and political violence is a key interdisciplinary interest of modern academia, and this seminar series will seek to capitalise on the expanding wave of new scholarship, bringing this into the DPIR’s research community and adding momentum to it by providing a forum for discussion between academic staff, graduate students, and visiting speakers on cutting-edge research work.

Anyone interested in further information, should email one of the seminar convenors, Dr Elizabeth Frazer ( and Dr Jonathan Leader Maynard (

Sorry, there are currently no talks scheduled in this series.

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