Poetry, Philosophy, and Piety on the Silk Roads: Religion and Society in Christianity and Islam

The Silk Roads are often thought of primarily in terms of trade of primary and manufactured commodities between Europe and the East. This was certainly the case but they were far more than that. They were also routes for and intersections of culture, beliefs, ideas and literature. This second series of seminars seeks to deal with how the Middle East, South and Central Asia were locations for important interactions in philosophy, religious belief and poetry between a range of linguistic, religious and philosophical traditions, providing enrichment for each, as well as a mutuality of critique and debate. As with the last series, each lecture in the series will be followed by a response and discussion. All are welcome to apply for attendance in person (which will be capped) or online.

All talks begin at 5pm and, for those attending in person, will take place in the Old Library, All Souls College, OX1 4AL (enter via the Lodge) . Registrations close at 12 noon on the day of the lecture.

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