Maison Française d'Oxford Events

The Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO) was founded at the end of the Second World War on the joint initiative of the Universities of Paris and Oxford. With the support of the Chancery of the Universities of Paris, it maintains close links with French universities and the other French institutes of higher education. Associated with the University of Oxford, it is a hub of Franco-British academic collaborations.

As a member of the network of research institutes established abroad by the French Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs ( and the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the MFO has become a research centre of the Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (INSHS) of the CNRS. It develops research programmes with academic institutions of the University of Oxford and other British universities.

The MFO hosts a team of senior researchers from the INSHS who conduct their own research at the University of Oxford but, more importantly, organise interdisciplinary programmes, conferences, seminars and other events in collaboration with members of the University. The MFO organises and/or hosts events ranging from single-speaker lectures or seminars, day workshops on specialist topics, through to two or three-day conferences.

Find out more on our website:

Tuesday 25 February 2025

Tuesday 4 March 2025

Thursday 6 March 2025

Tuesday 11 March 2025

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