Faculty of Linguistics: General Linguistics Seminar
Description: Hilary Term 2018

The following seminars will be given at 5:15 pm on Mondays
Weeks 1 – 8 Taylorian Institute Room 2

1st Wk: 15th January Robert Stainton (University of Western Ontario)
Quasi-Factives and Cognitive Efficiency

2nd Wk: 22nd January Jaap Maat (University of Amsterdam)
John Wallis (1616-1703) on teaching language to a boy born deaf

3rd Wk: 29th January Heinz Giegerich (University of Edinburgh)
Compounds in no-man’s land

4th Wk: 5th February Please note this talk will now take place in the Main Hall
David Poeppel (MPI Frankfurt)
Speech is special and language is structured

5th Wk: 12th February Hanne Eckhoff (University of Oxford)
Aorists, delimitatives and ingressives in early Slavic

6th Wk: 19th February John Hale (Cornell University)
Modeling fMRI time courses with syntactic structure

7th Wk: 26th February Zoe Schlueter (University of Edinburgh)
Children’s deviating word productions: Speech production under construction

8th Wk: 5th March Rebecca Woods (University of Huddersfield)
Non-adult questions in child language: a syntactic window onto pragmatic development

Conveners: Profs. Aditi Lahiri – Ash Asudeh -Wolfgang de Melo

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