W2, 17/10/22
Dr. Matilda Sorkkila, Dept. of Psychology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Early Identification of Parental Burnout: Using IRT in Developing Screening Tools.
Parental burnout is a recently recognized worldwide phenomenon that results from overwhelming parenting stress. Since parental burnout can have serious consequences to families, and especially to children, early identification and prevention of the phenomenon is crucial. During this presentation, I will introduce a screening tool for parental burnout, that is Brief Parental Burnout scale (BPBs), that we developed for early identification of parental burnout in child healthcare settings. The focus will be both theoretical and methodological, as I will first introduce parental burnout as a phenomenon, and next describe how Item Response Theory Graded Response Model was used to select optimal five items from a gold standard scale to assess parental burnout, Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA), in a sample of 1725 Finnish parents. I will, furthermore, explain how the scale was validated in two separate samples. Finally, practical applicability of the scale in child healthcare centers will be critically discussed.
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