Oxford Talks
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Professor Simon Leedham
University of Oxford
Events this person is speaking at:
Monday 16 January 2017
Morphogen signalling in intestinal inflammation and cancer
Professor Simon Leedham
(University of Oxford)
Kennedy Institute Seminars
Wednesday 15 March 2017
Precision Cancer Medicine In Oxford: What’s in it for me?
Professor Simon Leedham
(University of Oxford)
Professor Tim Maughan
(Oxford University)
Natalie Banner
(Wellcome Trust)
Saturday 21 October 2017
NHS: Fit for Practice?
Various Speakers
Friday 4 May 2018
Towards a new ethics for the 21 Century: introducing the New Centre for Ethics and Humanities / Gremlins in the crypt - BMP antagonism in intestinal regeneration and cancer
Prof. Michael Parker
(University of Oxford)
Professor Simon Leedham
(University of Oxford)
NDM Seminar Series
Tuesday 4 February 2020
Personalised Healthcare: From Bench to Bedside
Professor Joanne Hackett
(Genomics England)
Professor Simon Leedham
(University of Oxford)
Doctor Lauren Harper
(Roche Diagnostics UK and Ireland)
Monday 4 December 2023
Oxford Stem Cell Institute Annual Symposium 2023. "Stem Cells: From Mechanism to Therapy".
Professor Paul Riley
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Prof. Francesco Saverio Tedesco
(University College London)
Dr. Elisa Laurenti
(WT-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge)
Professor Liz Patton
(MRC Human Genetics Unit, University of Edinburgh)
Dr Talya Dayton
(European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Barcelona)
Dr Cynthia Andoniadou
(King’s College London)
Dr Konstantinos Tzelepis
(Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge)
Professor Francesca Spagnoli
(King’s College London)
Dr Andreia Bernardo
(Imperial College London)
Professor Simon Leedham
(University of Oxford)
Professor Adam Mead
(Molecular Haematology Unit, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine)
Professor Richard Wade-Martins
(DPAG, University of Oxford)
Professor Paresh Vyas
(University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine)
Professor Craig Maclean
(Department of Biology, University of Oxford)
Professor Francis Szele
(University of Oxford)
Professor Tatjana Sauka-Spengler
(University of Oxford)
Professor Michaela Frye
(German Cancer Research Centre,Heidelberg)
Professor Hagan Bayley
(University of Oxford)
Tuesday 29 April 2025
Joint 'Oxford Cancer Immuno-Oncology Network' and 'Oxford Immunology Network' Spatial Biology seminar with networking drinks
Professor Simon Leedham
(University of Oxford)
Professor David Withers
(NDM-Centre for Immuno-Oncology, University of Oxford)
Events this person is hosting:
Wednesday 29 June 2016
CPM-WTCHG Biotech Career Workshop
To attend, please email Donna: brcpa@well.ox.ac.uk for catering purposes.
Dr David Ruff
(University of Oxford SRF (visiting) )
Dr Jon Sherlock
Dr Chris Spencer
(University of Oxford)
Dr Alice Barkell
CPM - WTCHG Career Equality Talks
Friday 16 September 2016
Steering the Evolution of Metabolic and Immune Phenotypes to Minimize Resistance
Dr. Alexander R. A. Anderson
(H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Florida)
Tuesday 20 September 2016
CPM - WTCHG Communications Career Workshop
Please email brcpa@well.ox.ac.uk for catering purposes
Dr Dan Gluckman
(Wellcome Trust)
Dr Emily Scott-Dearing
(Science Museum, London)
Dr Mary Muers
(Research Culture Facilitator, Medical Sciences Division)
CPM - WTCHG Career Equality Talks
Wednesday 15 March 2017
Precision Cancer Medicine In Oxford: What’s in it for me?
Professor Simon Leedham
(University of Oxford)
Professor Tim Maughan
(Oxford University)
Natalie Banner
(Wellcome Trust)
Monday 9 December 2019
Neoplasia disease study day
Various Speakers
Wednesday 21 April 2021
Spatial Transcriptomics Forum
Various Speakers
Thursday 9 December 2021
TGU Talk: “Development of advanced human colorectal organoid systems’
Meeting Details:- https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjNlNmNjNTgtYmQyMC00YWE0LWI0NTAtOWY0ZTE1ODA2M2U3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22cc95de1b-97f5-4f93-b4ba-fe68b852cf91%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22bad99c7f-66a2-4137-a080-7c4dc45c6d55%22%7d
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Professor Simon Buczacki
(University of Oxford)
TGLU Seminars
Monday 9 May 2022
Highly multiplexed tissue imaging for personalised breast cancer immuno-oncology
Also available via Teams - contact Kathryn.smith@ndm.ox.ac.uk for the Teams link for this talk
Dr Raza Ali
(University of Cambridge)
NDM Seminar Series
Monday 28 November 2022
Cell competition in driving intestinal tumour formation
For non centre members who would like to attend in person please email isabel.schmidt@well.ox.ac.uk to register. Please state who you are and your affiliation. You will need to bring your University card and sign in at reception on arrival. If you want to join the talks online there is no need to register.
Dr Sanne van Neerven
(University of Cambridge)
WHG Seminars
Events this person is organising:
Wednesday 21 April 2021
Spatial Transcriptomics Forum
Various Speakers