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ChaeRan Freeze
Events this person is speaking at:
Wednesday 20 May 2020
Joint seminar with the Long 19th Century - The Rothschilds of Russia: Gender, Ethnicity, and the Political Economy of Intimacy in the Diaries of Zinaida Poliakova
Please register your interest no later than Friday 15 May
ChaeRan Freeze
Jewish Country Houses at the Modern Jewish History Remote Seminar
Joint Session with the Modern Jewish History Seminar and the Jewish Country Houses Project: The Rothschilds of Russia: Gender, Ethnicity, and the Political Economy of Intimacy in the Diaries of Zinaida Poliakova
Please email christina.debellaigue@history.ox.ac.uk to register your interest. Note this session is at 14:00
ChaeRan Freeze
Long Nineteenth-Century Seminar