- Myelin optimizes speed and synchrony of neocortical circuit activity One-to-one meetings
This same day, there will be an opportunity for PIs and Post-docs to have a one-to-one meeting with Prof. dr. Kole If you are interested or have any questions about these meetings, please send an email to: demi.brizee@bndu.ox.ac.uk
To provide students with an opportunity to meet with Prof. dr. Kole, the Cortex Club will organise a student-lunch. If you are interested joining the lunch, please signup here: https://forms.gle/PbypyXjUTFLuYu5Y8
Exact time and location will be shared closer to this date. Find more details on Maarten Kole elaborate work here: https://nin.nl/research/researchgroups/kole-groep/ Dr Maarten Kole (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience) Cortex Club - Oxford Neuroscience Society