Oxford Talks
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Oxford Martin School
University of Oxford
Events this person is hosting:
Thursday 15 October 2015
Demographic change – the evolving health challenges
Professor Sarah Harper
(Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford)
Professor Robyn Norton
(Co-Director of The George Institute for Global Health)
Ideas Into Action: 10 years of ground-breaking research
Monday 19 October 2015
Why are we waiting? The logic, urgency, and promise of tackling climate change
Nicholas Stern
(I. G. Patel Professor of Economics and Government at the London School of Economics, Member of the Oxford Martin School Advisory Council; President of the British Academy, Chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change, and former Chief Economist at the World Bank.)
Thursday 22 October 2015
Powering the world: can solar energy tackle climate change?
Prof Malcolm McCulloch
(Head of the University of Oxford’s Electrical Power Group and Co-Director of The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy)
Prof Henry Snaith
(Co-Director of the Programme on Solar Energy: Organic Photovoltaics)
Ideas Into Action: 10 years of ground-breaking research
Friday 23 October 2015
Rebuilding trust in the global economy: lessons from Chinese law
Professor Nicholas Morris
(INET at the Oxford Martin School)
Rebuilding trust in the global economy: Lessons from Chinese law
This is a joint event with The Institute of New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, the Political Economy of Financial Markets Programme at St Antony’s, and the Global Economic Governance Programme.
Professor Nicholas Morris
(INET at the Oxford Martin School)
Political Economy of Financial Markets Programme
Tuesday 27 October 2015
Infectious disease: are we in control?
Professor Jeffrey Almond
(Oxford Martin Programme on Vaccines )
General Talks
Wednesday 28 October 2015
The internet and innovation: succeeding in a time of accelerating technological change
David Black
(Google UK)
Thursday 29 October 2015
Facing the unknown: the future of humanity
Professor Nick Bostrom
(Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford Martin School)
Ideas Into Action: 10 years of ground-breaking research
Tuesday 3 November 2015
EU climate policy – where are we headed?
Dr Jos Delbeke
(Directorate-General for Climate Action)
Wednesday 4 November 2015
The future of the professions: how technology will transform the work of human experts
Professor Richard Susskind
(Society for Computers and Law)
Daniel Susskind
(Balliol College, Oxford)
Thursday 5 November 2015
Mind the gap: inequality and its impacts
Professor Brian Nolan
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Professor John Muellbauer
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Ideas Into Action: 10 years of ground-breaking research
Tuesday 10 November 2015
Behind the headlines: investigating the drivers and impacts of global migration
Hein de Haas
(University of Oxford)
Wednesday 11 November 2015
The future of China’s economy
Bert Hofman
(World Bank)
Thursday 12 November 2015
Understanding emerging infections
Professor Angela McLean
(Institute for Emerging Infections, Oxford Martin School)
Ideas Into Action: 10 years of ground-breaking research
Monday 16 November 2015
Humans need not apply: a guide to wealth and work in the age of artificial intelligence
Professor Jerry Kaplan
Wednesday 18 November 2015
Systemic risk: is there a trade-off between uniformity and stability?
Christian Thimann
Thursday 19 November 2015
Creating the perfect human? The ethics of enhancement
Professor Julian Savulescu
(Institute for Science and Ethics, Oxford Martin School)
Ideas Into Action: 10 years of ground-breaking research
Monday 23 November 2015
The Oxford Martin School 10th Anniversary Lecture - Will technology's dark side eclipse humanity's bright future?
Martin Rees, Lord Rees of Ludlow
(University of Cambridge)
Thursday 26 November 2015
Prevent and protect: vaccines and immune responses
Prof Adrian Hill
(Jenner Institute, University of Oxford)
Ideas Into Action: 10 years of ground-breaking research
Thursday 3 December 2015
Climate prediction in the 2020s
Professor Tim Palmer
(Programme on Modelling and Predicting Climate, Oxford Martin School)
Ideas Into Action: 10 years of ground-breaking research
Thursday 21 January 2016
'The impact of new technologies on healthcare research' with Prof Martin Landray
Professor Martin Landray
(Nuffield Department of Population Health)
Technology for tomorrow - the research shaping our future
Tuesday 26 January 2016
Sugar Shift: Toward a Healthier and Fairer Food System
Dr Ben Richardson
(University of Warwick)
Future of Food Lunchtime Talk Series
Thursday 28 January 2016
'Nanotechnology: the big picture' with Dr Eric Drexler and Dr Sonia Trigueros
Dr Eric Drexler
(Oxford Martin School )
Dr Sonia Trigueros
(Oxford Martin School )
Technology for tomorrow - the research shaping our future
Thursday 4 February 2016
'Mind machines - the promise and problems of cognitive enhancement devices' with Prof Roi Cohen Kadosh and Dr Hannah Maslen
Professor Roi Cohen-Kadosh
(University of Oxford)
Dr Hannah Maslen
(Oxford Martin School )
Technology for tomorrow - the research shaping our future
Thursday 11 February 2016
'The dawn of quantum technology' with Prof Simon Benjamin
Professor Simon Benjamin
(Oxford Martin School )
Technology for tomorrow - the research shaping our future
Tuesday 16 February 2016
Al Sulh (Domain of Conciliation): Iraqi-Jewish Cuisin's (Brief) Return to the Middle East
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
DHil Candidate Sophie Chamas
(University of Oxford)
Future of Food Lunchtime Talk Series
Thursday 18 February 2016
'Algorithms among us: machine learning and society' with Dr Michael Osborne
Dr Michael Osborne
(Oxford Martin School )
Technology for tomorrow - the research shaping our future
Tuesday 23 February 2016
Global and regional health impact of climate change mediated by changes in diet
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Dr Peter Scarborough
(University of Oxford)
Dr Marco Springmann
(University of Oxford)
Future of Food Lunchtime Talk Series
Global and regional health impact of climate change mediated by changes in diet
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Dr Peter Scarborough
(University of Oxford)
Dr Marco Springmann
(University of Oxford)
Future of Food Lunchtime Talk Series
Thursday 25 February 2016
'New and novel technologies for vaccine delivery' with Dr Christine Rollier
Dr Christine Rollier
(Oxford Martin Programme on Vaccines )
Technology for tomorrow - the research shaping our future
Tuesday 1 March 2016
Sweet Potato Wild Relatives
Dr Robert Scotland
(University of Oxford)
Future of Food Lunchtime Talk Series
Thursday 3 March 2016
'Driverless vehicles: navigating an autonomous future' with Dr Ingmar Posner
Dr Ingmar Posner
(University of Oxford)
Technology for tomorrow - the research shaping our future
Tuesday 8 March 2016
Fungal Foodways: mushrooms and livelihoods in East Africa
Neil Carrier
(University of Oxford)
Future of Food Lunchtime Talk Series
Thursday 10 March 2016
'Predicting technological progress' with Prof Doyne Farmer
Prof. Doyne Farmer
Technology for tomorrow - the research shaping our future
Thursday 13 October 2016
Inequality and its discontents
Professor Brian Nolan
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Thursday 19 January 2017
Panel Discussion: Gene editing revolution: should there be limits?
Various Speakers
New frontiers: pushing the boundaries of science and technology
Monday 23 January 2017
'Thank you for being late: an optimist’s guide to thriving in the age of accelerations' with Thomas L. Friedman
Thomas L. Friedman
(New York Times)
Wednesday 25 January 2017
Panel Discussion: 'Is a post-truth world a post-expert world?'
Achim Steiner
(Oxford Martin School)
Stefan Dercon
Professor Sir Peter Gluckman
(International Network for Government Science Advice)
Dr Gemma Harper
Thursday 2 February 2017
"Expanding frontiers in space exploration" with Dr Colin Wilson
New frontiers: pushing the boundaries of science and technology
Thursday 9 February 2017
"Exploring our inner space: discovering the deep sea and assessing human impact" with Prof Alex Rogers
Prof Alex Rogers
(Oxford Martin School)
New frontiers: pushing the boundaries of science and technology
Thursday 16 February 2017
"Can future energy needs be met sustainably?" with Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith
Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith
(University of Oxford)
New frontiers: pushing the boundaries of science and technology
Tuesday 21 February 2017
'Climate change: what’s new, what’s next?' with Karen Florini
Karen Florini
'Restoring trust in finance' with Gordon Menzies
Gordon Menzies
(University of Technology Sydney)
Wednesday 22 February 2017
"The global refugee crisis and what to do about it" with Rt Hon David Miliband
Rt Hon David Miliband
(International Rescue Committee)
Thursday 23 February 2017
"Knowing what not to know: sharing and hiding information in digital societies" with Dr Joss Wright
Dr Joss Wright
(Oxford Martin School)
New frontiers: pushing the boundaries of science and technology
Tuesday 7 March 2017
'African Futures: navigating a profound transition' - panel discussion
Winnie Byanyima
Achim Steiner
(Oxford Martin School)
Dr Carlos Lopes
(Oxford Martin School)
Thursday 9 March 2017
"Africa’s health in transition" with Prof Kevin Marsh
Professor Kevin Marsh
(University of Oxford)
New frontiers: pushing the boundaries of science and technology
Thursday 20 April 2017
'The second wave of the second machine age' with Prof Erik Brynjolfsson
Professor Erik Brynjolfsson
Thursday 4 May 2017
'Rebel’s or farmer’s best friend? The Janus face of ‘blood diamonds’ and other conflict minerals'
Dr Anouk Rigterink
The nature of conflict
Monday 8 May 2017
'The concept of time in biology, and the unity of life'
Professor Brian J. Enquist
Thursday 11 May 2017
'Climate Violence?'
Professor Clionadh Raleigh
The nature of conflict
Wednesday 17 May 2017
'Moral outrage in the digital age'
Dr Molly Crockett
(University of Oxford)
Thursday 18 May 2017
'Food security and conflict: narratives and interventions'
Professor Gunnar Sørbø
The nature of conflict
Monday 22 May 2017
'Environment, conflict and peacebuilding: a personal journey of change within the United Nations'
David Jensen
The nature of conflict
Thursday 25 May 2017
'The ecology of war: an evolutionary perspective on conflict over resources and prospects for peace'
Dominic Johnson
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
The nature of conflict
Monday 5 June 2017
'An age old problem? Exploring Britain’s new wealth divides'
Conor D'Arcy
(Resolution Foundation)
Laura Gardiner
(Resolution Foundation)
Professor John Muellbauer
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Professor Brian Nolan
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
The Rt Hon. the Lord Willetts
(Resolution Foundation)
Tuesday 6 June 2017
'Disruptive oil and electricity futures'
Amory Lovins
(Rocky Mountain Institute)
Tuesday 10 October 2017
Can rapid technological progress decouple the economy from the environment?
Professor Christopher Magee
Monday 4 March 2019
Chilling prospects: how to provide cooling for all without blowing the world’s carbon budget
Dan Hamza-Goodacre
(Executive Director, Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 5 March 2019
Global maps of the spread of infectious diseases and their vectors
Dr Moritz Kraemer
(Department of Zoology, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 20 May 2019
City region food systems: potential for impacting planetary boundaries and food security
Dr Mike Hamm
(Michigan State University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 21 May 2019
Unlocking digital competition
Prof Jason Furman
(Harvard Kennedy School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 18 June 2019
From pollution to solution: will China save the planet?
Barbara Finamore
(Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC))
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 20 June 2019
New economic and moral foundations for the Anthropocene
Prof Eric Beinhocker
(INET Oxford Executive Director)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Thursday 5 September 2019
Clouds and climate
Prof Tapio Schneider
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 14 October 2019
The technology trap - capital, labour and power in the age of automation
Dr Carl Benedikt Frey
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Friday 18 October 2019
Psychologically informed micro-targeted political campaigns: the use and abuse of data
Dr Jens Koed Madsen
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 24 October 2019
Sustainability scenarios for the global food and land-use system
Dr Michael Obersteiner
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Monday 28 October 2019
Cartographic attributes of the invisible – the geographies of the platform economy
Prof Mark Graham
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 31 October 2019
Linking nature, food and climate: progress and implications
Dr David Nabarro
(Imperial College London)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Thursday 28 November 2019
Plant genetics from Mendel to Monsanto
Dame Ottoline Leyser
(University of Cambridge)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Monday 2 December 2019
Why we need a fourth revolution in healthcare
Dr William Bird
(Intelligent Health)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 4 December 2019
Nano comes to life: how nanotechnology is transforming medicine and the future of biology
Prof Sonia Contera
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 21 January 2020
A world without work: technology, automation and how we should respond
Dr Daniel Susskind
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 30 January 2020
British politics after Brexit: reflections on the last three years and the next fifty
Lord Sumption
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Thursday 6 February 2020
Road to somewhere? Resilient infrastructure for sustainable development
Prof Jim Hall
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Tuesday 11 February 2020
Pyrrhic progress: the history of antibiotics in Anglo-American food production
Dr Claas Kirchhelle
(Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 13 February 2020
Powering the future: switching on the renewables
Prof Malcolm McCulloch
(Head of the University of Oxford’s Electrical Power Group and Co-Director of The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Wednesday 19 February 2020
Better doctors, better patients, better decisions: Risk literacy in health
Prof Gerd Gigerenzer
(Max Planck Institute for Human Development)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 20 February 2020
Future options for making plastics more sustainable
Prof Charlotte Williams
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Wednesday 26 February 2020
The future of health in the UK – the next 20 years
This talk is fully booked
Prof Chris Whitty
(Chief Medical Officer)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Friday 28 February 2020
"Income insecurity in the 21st Century" with special guest speaker Andy Haldane (Joint Event with DSPI and INET)
Andy Haldane
(Bank Of England)
Jane Millar
(University of Bath)
Matteo Richiardi
(University of Essex)
Professor Brian Nolan
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 2 March 2020
What is Life? (James Martin Memorial Lecture)
Sir Paul Nurse, FRS
(Director, The Francis Crick Institute)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 28 April 2020
CANCELLED 'Data work: the hidden talent and secret logic fuelling artificial intelligence' with Prof Gina Neff
This talk has been cancelled
Professor Gina Neff
(Oxford Internet Institute, Department of Sociology, Senior Research Associate, Christ Church, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Thursday 12 November 2020
Prof Tim Schwanen and Dr Jennie Middleton in Conversation, chaired by Prof Jim Hall: "Re-imagining urban mobility after COVID-19"
Professor Tim Schwanen
(Transport Studies Unit University of Oxford )
Jennie Middleton
(TSU, School of Geography & the Environment, University of Oxford)
Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Monday 6 June 2022
The economic impacts of large dams: a comparative analysis of the Nile and Colorado Rivers
Dr Kevin Wheeler
(Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Change Institute)
Professor Jim Hall
(Oxford Martin Programme on Transboundary Resource Management)
Professor Kenneth Strzepek
Wednesday 15 June 2022
Book launch: 'Butler to the world: how Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals' with Oliver Bullough
Oliver Bullough
(Author and Journalist)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Series - African Governance: Economic, social and political governance challenges
Thursday 16 June 2022
Decolonising Africa-Europe relations
Professor Carlos Lopes
(University of Cape Town)
Oxford Martin School Series - African Governance: Economic, social and political governance challenges
Friday 10 February 2023
Environmental Moral Issues: from literature to science. Hunger.
Prof David Aberbach
(University of Oxford/University of McGill)
Professor Charles Godfray
(University of Oxford)
Dr Sarah Darby
(ECI, University of Oxford)
Thursday 23 May 2024
Book Launch: Long Problems - How Do We Protect Future Generations?
Various Speakers
Events this person is organising:
Thursday 10 March 2016
'Predicting technological progress'
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Prof. Doyne Farmer
Thursday 26 May 2016
'Our shared world: reconciling individual need and collective responsibility' - panel discussion
: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Prof. Cameron Hepburn
Professor Ian Goldin
( Director, Oxford Martin School)
Professor Angela McLean
(Institute for Emerging Infections, Oxford Martin School)
Dr Nick Eyre
(University of Oxford)
Dr Richard Bailey
(School of Geography and the Environment)
Wednesday 12 October 2016
How population change will transform our world
Professor Sarah Harper
(Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford)
Monday 17 October 2016
Global inequality: a new approach for the age of globalization
Professor Branko Milanovic
(City University of New Your)
Thursday 27 October 2016
Women's health: a new global agenda
Professor Robyn Norton
(Co-Director of The George Institute for Global Health)
Thursday 3 November 2016
Skills, education and work in the digital age
Dr Craig Holmes
(Institute of New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Thursday 10 November 2016
Inequality, poverty and global development
Professor Stefan Dercon
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Thursday 17 November 2016
Urbanisation, migration and the future metropolis
Michael Keith
(COMPAS, University of Oxford)
Thursday 24 November 2016
What influences intergenerational social mobility in Europe?
Dr Erzsébet Bukodi
(Institute of New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Dr Marii Paskov
(Institute of New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Thursday 1 December 2016
Tackling inequality: strategies, priorities and effects
Professor Brian Nolan
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Professor Sir Paul Collier
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Professor Sandra Fredman
(Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations)
Professor John Goldthorpe
(Nuffield College)
Professor Simonetta Manfredi
(Oxford Brookes University)
Tuesday 21 February 2017
Climate change: what’s new, what’s next?
Karen Florini
(Former U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change)
Thursday 11 May 2017
Climate Violence?
Professor Clionadh Raleigh
(Professor of Human Geography at the University of Sussex)
Thursday 25 May 2017
The ecology of war: an evolutionary perspective on conflict over resources and prospects for peace
Dominic Johnson
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Tuesday 6 June 2017
Disruptive oil and electricity futures
Amory Lovins
(Rocky Mountain Institute)
Thursday 1 February 2018
Transforming drug discovery – the pathway to innovation
Colin Bennett
(Visiting Fellow, Oxford Martin School)
Professor Chas Bountra
(Oxford Martin Programme on Affordable Medicines )
Dr Wen Hwa Lee
(Oxford Martin Programme on Affordable Medicines )
Dr Nick Scott-Ram
(Oxford Martin Programme on Affordable Medicines )
Health: fresh perspectives
Thursday 8 February 2018
Prospects for new tools to control malaria
Professor Kevin Marsh
(Professor of Tropical Medicine, Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine)
Health: fresh perspectives
Wednesday 14 February 2018
Antibiotics: to regulate or not?
Professor Julian Savulescu
(Oxford Martin Programme on Collective Responsibility for Infectious Disease)
Professor Steven J. Hoffman
(Associate Professor of Law and Director of the Global Strategy Lab at the University of Ottawa)
Health: fresh perspectives
Thursday 15 February 2018
The growing and ageing population: Implications and solutions
Professor Sarah Harper
(Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford)
Health: fresh perspectives
Tuesday 27 February 2018
The black hole of finance: creation and destruction in life, the economy, and the universe
Professor Seth Lloyd
(Visiting Fellow, Oxford Martin School)
Thursday 8 March 2018
Planetary health: is human health at risk in the Anthropocene?
Sir Andrew Haines
(member of The Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health at the Oxford Martin School)
Health: fresh perspectives
Monday 30 April 2018
Climate change: past, present and future
Prof Sir David Hendry
(INET Oxford, University of Oxford)
Tuesday 1 May 2018
Organic chemistry’s role in the future of screens and energy conversion
Prof Seth Marder
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Wednesday 2 May 2018
Planetary health: does our planet have boundaries?
Professor Yadvinder Malhi
(University of Oxford)
Kate Raworth
(Environmental Change Institute)
Thursday 10 May 2018
Government needs to get better at policy-making; more open and connected with people
Dr Andrea Siodmok
(Policy Lab, Cabinet Office)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Thursday 17 May 2018
Science on the front line: getting good quality evidence into the news
Fiona Fox
(Science Media Centre)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Monday 21 May 2018
Challenges on the freshwater availability and climate extremes for the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna rivers
Professor A.K.M. Saiful Islam
(Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow)
Wednesday 23 May 2018
The digital revolution and the distribution of income
Professor Jeffrey Sachs
(Columbia University)
Thursday 24 May 2018
Putting science at the heart of society and culture - Panel Discussion
Professor Sarah Harper
(Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford)
Emily Wilson
(New Scientist)
Katherine Mathieson
(British Science Association)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Thursday 31 May 2018
Stats and studies are not enough: how to gain people's trust in scientific authority
Nicky Hawkins
(FrameWorks Institute)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Thursday 7 June 2018
Governments across Europe need to be more candid with their citizens
Robin Niblett
(Chatham House)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Thursday 14 June 2018
Creating opportunities to think deeply about science - Panel discussion
Dr Roger Highfield
(Science Museum Group)
Professor Sarah Harper
(Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford)
Professor Paul Smith
(Oxford University Museum of Natural History)
Dr Xa Sturgis
(Director of the Ashmolean Museum)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Tuesday 9 October 2018
"How science got women wrong" (Ada Lovelace Day Lecture)
Angela Saini
Thursday 18 October 2018
Planetary warming: is a 1.5 degree target achievable?
Professor Myles Allen, Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Climate Pollutants
Planetary health: new technologies, ideas and values
Wednesday 24 October 2018
How useful and reliable is a simplified perspective on Technological Change?
Professor Christopher Magee
(Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow)
Planetary health: new technologies, ideas and values
Monday 29 October 2018
What now? Next steps on climate change
Christiana Figueres
(former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from 2010-2016)
Planetary health: new technologies, ideas and values
Tuesday 30 October 2018
Conflicting truths. How does government listen to scientists?
Dr Claire Craig
(Director of Science Policy, Royal Society)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Tuesday 6 November 2018
What’s the point of engaging the public in science and health research?
Imran Khan
(Head of Public Engagement, Wellcome Trust)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Thursday 15 November 2018
The natural capital approach: ecological and economic perspectives
Dame Georgina Mace & Professor Ian Bateman
Planetary health: new technologies, ideas and values
Friday 16 November 2018
Communicating robust science
Clive Cookson
(Science Editor, Financial Times)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Monday 19 November 2018
Why science matters for policy
Dr Patrick Vallance
(Government Chief Scientific Adviser)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Thursday 22 November 2018
Banking on nature’s assets: unlocking investment in nature for better planetary health
Dr Giulio Boccaletti
(The Nature Conservancy)
Planetary health: new technologies, ideas and values
Wednesday 28 November 2018
People and the frontiers of science: social science for the 21st Century
Prof Jennifer Rubin
(Executive Chair, ESRC)
Science and populism: from evidence to narrative (Oxford Martin School, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and University College Joint Series)
Thursday 29 November 2018
Transforming food systems under a changing climate
Dr Ana María Loboguerrero
(CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security)
Planetary health: new technologies, ideas and values
Thursday 17 January 2019
Losing it: the economics and politics of migration
Professor Ian Goldin
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Thursday 24 January 2019
Tackling the illegal wildlife trade from China's epicentre
Tien Ming Lee
(Sun Yat-sen University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wealth inequality in political perspective
Professor Ben Ansell
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Tuesday 29 January 2019
How lives change: Palanpur, India, and development economics
Professor Lord Nicholas Stern of Brentford
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Thursday 31 January 2019
The value of everything: rediscovering purpose in the economy (Joint Oxford Martin School/Blavatnik School of Government/INET Oxford Event)
This event is now fully booked
Mariana Mazzucato
(University College London)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Monday 11 February 2019
Why do we spend so little on preventing ill-health and so much on treating it?
Professor Chris Dye
(Visiting Professor, Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 14 February 2019
The economics of 1.5°C climate change
Registration now closed
Professor Simon Dietz
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Wednesday 27 February 2019
The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work
Professor Richard Baldwin
(Graduate Institute, Geneva)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 28 February 2019
Saving labour: automation and its enemies
Dr Carl Benedikt Frey
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Monday 4 March 2019
Chilling prospects: how to provide cooling for all without blowing the world’s carbon budget
Dan Hamza-Goodacre
(Executive Director, Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 5 March 2019
Global maps of the spread of infectious diseases and their vectors
Dr Moritz Kraemer
(Department of Zoology, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
The ethics of vaccination: individual, collective, and institutional responsibilities
Dr Alberto Giubilini
(Oxford Martin Programme on Collective Responsibility for Infectious Disease)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 24 April 2019
Africa in transformation: economic development in the age of doubt
Professor Carlos Lopes
(University of Cape Town)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 9 May 2019
How complexity can resolve the crisis in economics
Prof. Doyne Farmer
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Wednesday 15 May 2019
From global to local - the relationship between global climate and regional warming
David Battisti
(University of Washington)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 20 May 2019
City region food systems: potential for impacting planetary boundaries and food security
Dr Mike Hamm
(Michigan State University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 21 May 2019
Unlocking digital competition
Prof Jason Furman
(Harvard Kennedy School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 23 May 2019
Navigating knowledge: new tools for the journey
Penny Mealy
(University of Oxford, INET)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Thursday 30 May 2019
Is the human species slowing down?
Danny Dorling
(Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, Oxford University )
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Thursday 6 June 2019
Changing technology, changing economics
Prof Diane Coyle
(University of Cambridge)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Tuesday 11 June 2019
Protecting the high seas (Oxford Green Week Talk)
Prof Alex Rogers
Dr Gwilym Rowlands
(Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 13 June 2019
The future of the corporation, economy and society
Professor Sir Paul Collier
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Professor Colin Mayer
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Tuesday 18 June 2019
From pollution to solution: will China save the planet?
Barbara Finamore
(Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC))
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 20 June 2019
New economic and moral foundations for the Anthropocene
Prof Eric Beinhocker
(INET Oxford Executive Director)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Evolving economic thought
Thursday 5 September 2019
Clouds and climate
Prof Tapio Schneider
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 7 October 2019
Ending energy poverty: reframing the poverty discourse
Dr Rajiv J. Shah
(President, The Rockefeller Foundation)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 14 October 2019
The technology trap - capital, labour and power in the age of automation
Dr Carl Benedikt Frey
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Friday 18 October 2019
Psychologically informed micro-targeted political campaigns: the use and abuse of data
Dr Jens Koed Madsen
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 24 October 2019
Sustainability scenarios for the global food and land-use system
Dr Michael Obersteiner
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Monday 28 October 2019
Cartographic attributes of the invisible – the geographies of the platform economy
Prof Mark Graham
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 31 October 2019
Linking nature, food and climate: progress and implications
Dr David Nabarro
(Imperial College London)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Tuesday 12 November 2019
Migration: the movement of humankind from prehistory to the present
Prof Robin Cohen
(University of Oxford)
Wednesday 13 November 2019
The protean character of protein: from Diet for a Small Planet to the Impossible Burger™
Prof Julie Guthman
(University of California)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Thursday 14 November 2019
Tipping positive change to avoid climate tipping points
Tim Lenton
(University of Exeter)
Thursday 21 November 2019
Diet, obesity and health: from science to policy
Prof Susan Jebb
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Thursday 28 November 2019
Plant genetics from Mendel to Monsanto
Dame Ottoline Leyser
(University of Cambridge)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Monday 2 December 2019
Why we need a fourth revolution in healthcare
Dr William Bird
(Intelligent Health)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 4 December 2019
Nano comes to life: how nanotechnology is transforming medicine and the future of biology
Prof Sonia Contera
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 5 December 2019
Brexit, agriculture & dietary risks in the UK
Dr Florian Freund
(Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet's health, and our own?
Tuesday 21 January 2020
A world without work: technology, automation and how we should respond
Dr Daniel Susskind
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 30 January 2020
British politics after Brexit: reflections on the last three years and the next fifty
Lord Sumption
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Thursday 6 February 2020
Road to somewhere? Resilient infrastructure for sustainable development
Prof Jim Hall
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Tuesday 11 February 2020
Pyrrhic progress: the history of antibiotics in Anglo-American food production
Dr Claas Kirchhelle
(Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 13 February 2020
Powering the future: switching on the renewables
Prof Malcolm McCulloch
(Head of the University of Oxford’s Electrical Power Group and Co-Director of The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Wednesday 19 February 2020
Better doctors, better patients, better decisions: Risk literacy in health
Prof Gerd Gigerenzer
(Max Planck Institute for Human Development)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 20 February 2020
Future options for making plastics more sustainable
Prof Charlotte Williams
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Wednesday 26 February 2020
The future of health in the UK – the next 20 years
This talk is fully booked
Prof Chris Whitty
(Chief Medical Officer)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Friday 28 February 2020
"Income insecurity in the 21st Century" with special guest speaker Andy Haldane (Joint Event with DSPI and INET)
Andy Haldane
(Bank Of England)
Jane Millar
(University of Bath)
Matteo Richiardi
(University of Essex)
Professor Brian Nolan
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 2 March 2020
What is Life? (James Martin Memorial Lecture)
Sir Paul Nurse, FRS
(Director, The Francis Crick Institute)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 12 March 2020
Recipes for transforming food production and beyond
Paul Clarke
(Chief Technology Officer, Ocado)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Tuesday 28 April 2020
CANCELLED 'Data work: the hidden talent and secret logic fuelling artificial intelligence' with Prof Gina Neff
This talk has been cancelled
Professor Gina Neff
(Oxford Internet Institute, Department of Sociology, Senior Research Associate, Christ Church, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: Shaping the future
Monday 6 July 2020
Prof Phil Howard & Nicola Aitken in conversation: "Lie machines: misinformation in a Post-COVID world"
Prof. Phil Howard
(University of Oxford)
Nicola Aitken
(Full Fact)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Tuesday 21 July 2020
Prof Colin Mayer, Sir Paul Collier & Prof Cameron Hepburn in conversation: "Reforming the UK financial system to promote regional development in post-COVID Britain"
Professor Colin Mayer, CBE
(Saïd Business School, University of Oxford)
Professor Sir Paul Collier
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Professor Cameron Hepburn
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Tuesday 28 July 2020
Prof David Vines & Prof Cameron Hepburn in conversation: "Global macroeconomic cooperation in response to the Covid-19 pandemic"
David Vines
(Balliol College, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School, Smith School & OxREP Virtual Series: The economics of the COVID-19 pandemic
Wednesday 29 July 2020
Prof Chris Adam & Prof Cameron Hepburn in conversation: "After the lockdown: macroeconomic adjustment to the Covid-19 pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa"
Professor Christopher Adam
(University of Oxford)
Prof Cameron Hepburn
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School, Smith School & OxREP Virtual Series: The economics of the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 17 September 2020
COVID-19 in Africa: crisis and opportunity?
Benno Ndulu
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Stefan Dercon
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Tuesday 22 September 2020
Resetting our relationship with nature in a post-COVID world
Prof E.J. Milner-Gulland
(University of Oxford)
Professor Charles Godfray
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Wednesday 7 October 2020
Baby steps: the gender division of childcare during the COVID-19 pandemic
Professor Sarah Smith
(University of Bristol)
Professor Cameron Hepburn
Oxford Martin School, Smith School & OxREP Virtual Series: The economics of the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 5 November 2020
Healthcare after the COVID-19 pandemic: the walls are coming down
Professor Chas Bountra
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Monday 9 November 2020
Panel discussion: Africa, capital flight and the bankers who help: evidence from the FinCEN files
William Fitzgibbon
(International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)
Agustin Armendariz
(International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)
Taiwo Hassan Adebayo
(Premium Times Nigeria)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 12 November 2020
Re-imagining urban mobility after COVID-19
Professor Tim Schwanen
(Transport Studies Unit University of Oxford )
Professor Jim Hall
(Oxford Martin Programme on Transboundary Resource Management)
Jennie Middleton
(TSU, School of Geography & the Environment, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 19 November 2020
Rethinking diet, weight and health in and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Professor Susan Jebb
(Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Monday 23 November 2020
Data work: the hidden talent and secret logic fuelling artificial intelligence
Professor Gina Neff
(Oxford Internet Institute, Department of Sociology, Senior Research Associate, Christ Church, University of Oxford)
Professor Ian Goldin
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 26 November 2020
The Web, internet and data during the pandemic: lessons learnt and new directions
Sir Tim Berners-Lee
(University of Oxford)
Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Monday 30 November 2020
21st century technologies for tackling 21st century pandemics
Professor Christophe Fraser
(University of Oxford)
Professor Oliver Pybus
( Oxford Martin Programme on Pandemic Genomics)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 3 December 2020
Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: the arguments for and against
Professor Julian Savulescu
(Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics)
Dr Samantha Vanderslott
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 10 December 2020
Prof Yvonne Jones, Prof Phil Biggins & Prof Charles Godfray in conversation: "Protein structure & AI: the excitement about the recent advance made by Google DeepMind’s AlphaFold Programme"
Prof Yvonne Jones
(University of Oxford)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Prof Phil Biggin
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 21 January 2021
Building back healthier: climate change, health and the recovery from Covid-19
Sir Andy Haines
(London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Professor Chris Dye
(Visiting Professor, Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 11 February 2021
The challenge of anti-microbial resistance
Dame Sally Davies
(UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance)
Professor Chris Dye
(Professor of Epidemiology, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 18 February 2021
Science communication in times of emergency
Fiona Fox
(Science Media Centre)
Tom Feilden
(Science & Environment Editor, Today Programme (BBC Radio 4))
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 25 February 2021
National infrastructure for the recovery and the long term
Sir John Armitt
(Chairman, National Infrastructure Commission)
Prof Jim Hall
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 4 March 2021
Pandemics 101: Digital technologies, human values and building back better
CANCELLED: Due to Vittorio Caloa’s appointment as Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition in the new Italian Government, he has had to withdraw from this event
: This talk has been cancelled
Vittorio Colao
(General Atlantic)
Prof Cameron Hepburn
(Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Thursday 11 March 2021
Emerging technology and systemic risk – maintaining a secure and resilient digital infrastructure as we build back better
Prof Sadie Creese
(Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre)
Dr Jamie Saunders
(Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre)
Oxford Martin School Virtual Series: Building back better - lessons and opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic
Tuesday 18 May 2021
The Great Health Dilemma: Is Prevention Better than Cure?
Professor Chris Dye
(Professor of Epidemiology, University of Oxford)
Professor Salim Abdool Karim
(Director, Centre for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA))
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 19 May 2021
Book Launch: Ian Goldin: "Rescue: From Global Crisis to a Better World" chaired by Nik Gowing
Professor Ian Goldin
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change)
Nik Gowing
(Founder, Thinking the Unthinkable)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 6 July 2021
Book Launch: Anne Schwenkenbecher: 'Getting our act together: collective moral obligations'
Dr Anne Schwenkenbecher
(Murdoch University)
Professor Julian Savulescu
(Oxford Martin Programme on Collective Responsibility for Infectious Disease)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 20 October 2021
Online panel discussion: "National ‘fair shares’ in GHG mitigation, international environmental law & climate litigation"
Professor Dr Niklas Höhne
(Founding Partner, NewClimate Institute)
Dr Louise Jeffery
(Climate Policy Analyst, NewClimate Institute)
Gerry Liston
(Legal Officer, Global Legal Action Network (GLAN))
Lucy Maxwell
(Senior Legal Associate, Climate Litigation Network)
Professor Lavanya Rajamani
(Faculty of Law)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 27 October 2021
Panel Discussion: "What does the future hold for cities, climate change and migration"
In-person attendance is fully booked, but you can watch online via Crowdcast or Youtube
Prof Susan Parnell
(PEAK Urban)
Professor Tim Schwanen
(Transport Studies Unit University of Oxford )
Prof Kazem Rahimi
(University of Oxford)
Prof Michael Keith
(COMPAS, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 10 November 2021
Book talk: Cogs and Monsters: what economics is and what it should be' with Prof Diane Coyle (Online)
Prof Diane Coyle
(University of Cambridge)
Professor Ian Goldin
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 16 November 2021
"Conflict resolution for the future of biodiversity conservation" with Dr Alexandra Zimmermann
Dr Alexandra Zimmerman
(Senior Research Fellow, WildCRU)
Prof David Macdonald
(Director, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU))
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 24 November 2021
The political economy of Nigeria: challenges and opportunities for reform
Professor Kingsley Moghalu
(Visiting Fellow, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 29 November 2021
Book talk: "Exponential: how accelerating technology is leaving us behind and what to do about it" with Azeem Azhar
Azeem Azhar
(Exponential View)
Professor Ian Goldin
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 24 January 2022
POSTPONED - Economic reforms in Angola: the Government’s perspective (Online Only)
Please note this talk has been postponed due to speaker illness. We hope to announce a new date soon.
: This talk has been cancelled
Vera Daves de Sousa
(Minister of Finance, Angola)
José de Lima Massano
(Governor, National Bank of Angola)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 3 February 2022
What would a sustainable economy look like?
Professor Sir Dieter Helm
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Series: Post COP26: successes, lessons learnt & what do we need to do now?
Thursday 24 February 2022
Panel Discussion: 'Fleshing out a future COP' (Online only)
Dr Tara Garnett
(Director, TABLE)
Dan Blaustein-Rejto
(Breakthrough Institute)
Dr Helena Wright
(FAIRR Initiative (Farm, Animal, Investment, Risk and Return))
Dr Pablo Manzano
(Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3))
Oxford Martin School Series: Post COP26: successes, lessons learnt & what do we need to do now?
Thursday 3 March 2022
Modelling climate change: predicting the future
Professor Tim Palmer
(University of Oxford)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Series: Post COP26: successes, lessons learnt & what do we need to do now?
Thursday 17 March 2022
'What role for science in achieving Net Zero?' with Prof Paul Monks
Professor Paul Monks
(Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)
Oxford Martin School Series: Post COP26: successes, lessons learnt & what do we need to do now?
Wednesday 23 March 2022
Getting to a fusion pilot plant: a perspective from the US
Professor Steve Cowley
(Director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL))
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 4 May 2022
Panel discussion: "On the trail of capital flight from Africa"
James K. Boyce
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Professor Leonce Ndikumana
(Director, African Development Policy Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Nicholas Shaxson
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Series - African Governance: Economic, social and political governance challenges
Tuesday 10 May 2022
Panel Discussion 'Adaptation limits and prospects for people and ecosystems: findings from the IPCC (WGII) report’
Dr Lisa Schipper
(Overseas Development Institute and Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford)
Dr Constance McDermott
(University of Oxford)
Dr Nicola Stevens
(Trapnell Fellow for African Environments, University of Oxford)
Wednesday 11 May 2022
Panel Discussion: 'Illicit financial flows and offshore finance: its impact on African development'
Professor Attiya Waris
(UN Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights)
Khadija Sharife
(Editor, Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project)
Tutu Alicante
(Founder and Executive Director, EG Justice)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Series - African Governance: Economic, social and political governance challenges
Thursday 19 May 2022
From swimming in data to drowning: What happens when new data essentially falsify all extant theories within a field?
Professor Robert Axtell
(Professor of Computational Social Science, George Mason University)
Tuesday 24 May 2022
'Illicit finance and the role of professional enablers in the United Kingdom: are things finally changing?' with Andrew Mitchell & Dame Margaret Hodge
Dame Margaret Hodge
(MP for Barking and Dagenham)
Andrew Mitchell
(MP for Sutton Coldfield)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Series - African Governance: Economic, social and political governance challenges
Wednesday 25 May 2022
'P4 healthcare and precision population health - a transformation of healthcare' with Dr Leroy Hood
Dr Leroy Hood
(CEO, Phenome Health)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Tuesday 31 May 2022
Book Talk: "Envisioning 2060: opportunities and risks for emerging markets"
Harinder S. Kohli
(Founding Director and Chief Executive, Emerging Markets Forum)
Montek Singh Ahluwalia
(Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Social and Economic Policy (CESP))
Sir Suma Chakrabarti
(Chair of the Board of Trustees, Overseas Development Institute)
Professor Ian Goldin
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Development)
Monday 6 June 2022
The economic impacts of large dams: a comparative analysis of the Nile and Colorado Rivers
Dr Kevin Wheeler
(Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Change Institute)
Professor Jim Hall
(Oxford Martin Programme on Transboundary Resource Management)
Professor Kenneth Strzepek
Wednesday 8 June 2022
Book talk: 'Storylistening: Narrative Evidence and Public Reasoning'
Dr Claire Craig
(Provost, The Queen's College)
Professor Sarah Dillon
(Professor of Literature and the Public Humanities, University of Cambridge)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Wednesday 15 June 2022
Book launch: 'Butler to the world: how Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals' with Oliver Bullough
Oliver Bullough
(Author and Journalist)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Series - African Governance: Economic, social and political governance challenges
Thursday 16 June 2022
Decolonising Africa-Europe relations
Professor Carlos Lopes
(University of Cape Town)
Oxford Martin School Series - African Governance: Economic, social and political governance challenges
Wednesday 26 October 2022
Tropical forests to 2050: science challenges for researchers and policy-makers
Professor Oliver Phillips
(University of Leeds)
Oxford Martin School Series: Post COP26: successes, lessons learnt & what do we need to do now?
Tuesday 1 November 2022
Panel Discussion: 'Financial and economic crime in the Global South'
Dr Folashade Adeyemo
(Assistant Professor in Law, University of Reading)
Dr Nkechi Azinge-Egbiri
(Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of Lincoln)
Dr Joy Malala
(Assistant Professor, University of Warwick)
Luckystar Miyandazi
(Coordinator, Tax Inspectors Without Borders, UNDP)
Dr Lovina Otudor
(The Global South Dialogue on Economic and Financial Crime)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 2 November 2022
Panel Discussion: 'If you want to change the world, change your approach - lessons from the Oxford Martin Programme on Global Epilepsy'
Prof Tim Denison
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Global Epilepsy)
Dr Prince Kazadi
(Director, ASLEK Epilepsy in Democratic Republic of Congo)
Dr Sloan Mahone
(University of Oxford)
Gift Ngwende
(Chairman, Department of Medicine, University of Zimbabwe)
Dr Mayela Zamora
(Senior Researcher, Institute of Biomedical Engineering)
Professor Kevin Marsh
(Professor of Tropical Medicine, Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine)
Professor Arjune Sen
(Head of the Oxford Epilepsy Research Group)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 10 November 2022
Biodiversity & food: challenges and opportunities to “win more and lose less"
Professor Tom Tomich
(Founder, Food Systems Lab, University of California, Davis)
Professor Yadvinder Malhi
(ECI, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 16 November 2022
Catastrophes of the 21st Century
This event is fully booked
Professor Roger Pielke, Jr
(Professor in the Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado Boulder)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 21 November 2022
The state of the African state: Where has it come from and where is it going?
Nick Westcott
(Director, Royal African Society)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 28 November 2022
Panel Discussion 'The age of the strongman: populism and authoritarianism in global politics'
In-person attendance is fully booked. Online attendance available.
The Rt Hon, the Lord Patten of Barnes, CH PC Chancellor
(University of Oxford)
Professor Margaret MacMillan
(St Antony’s College, Oxford)
Gideon Rachman
(Chief Foreign Affairs Columnist, Financial Times)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 29 November 2022
Drop-in fuels from sunlight and air
Professor Aldo Steinfeld
(ETH Zurich)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 1 December 2022
'A new global treaty on plastic pollution – updates from the front line'
Andy Raine
(Senior Legal Officer & Head of the International Environmental Law Unit in the Law Division, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP))
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 24 January 2023
'Childhood vaccine mandates: are they tackling the right problem?'
Associate Professor Katie Atwell
(Visiting Researcher, Vaccines and Society Unit, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 30 January 2023
Beyond personalised and toward circuit-customised medicine: targeting molecular "address codes" for diverse functional neuron subtypes in the brain (Stanley Ho Memorial Lecture)
Professor Jeffrey D. Macklis
(Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, and Center for Brain Science, Harvard University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 6 February 2023
Book talk 'Cloud empires: how digital platforms are overtaking the state and how we can regain control'
In-person attendance is fully booked but online attendance is still available
Professor Vili Lehdonvirta
(Professor of Economic Sociology and Digital Social Research, Oxford Internet Institute)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 15 February 2023
Preventing pandemics at the source – stopping spillover
Professor Peter Hudson
(Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow, Oxford Martin Programme on the Wildlife Trade)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 22 February 2023
Panel discussion: 'Sustainable food: creating a food system for healthy people and planet'
Dr Sasha Gennet
(Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow & Fellow, The Nature Conservancy)
Dr Joseph Poore
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Food Sustainability Analytics)
Dr Michael Clark
(Senior Researcher of Sustainable Food Solutions, University of Oxford)
Dr Tara Garnett
(Director, TABLE)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 27 February 2023
Inequalities: which ones matter, and what to do about them?
In-person attendance fully booked
Professor Paul Johnson
(Director, The Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 6 March 2023
Can international humanitarian organisations adapt to face the challenges of this century?
Yves Daccord
(Former CEO of the International Committee of the Red Cross)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 27 April 2023
Sharing the benefits from the global commons: deep-seabed mining
Professor Dale Squires
(Visiting Fellow, Oxford Martin Programme on Wildlife Trade)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 2 May 2023
Technological change, the future of jobs and development
In-person attendance fully booked
Joseph E. Stiglitz
(Columbia University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 10 May 2023
'Remote work across jobs, companies, and space' with Dr Bledi Taska
Dr Bledi Taska
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 11 May 2023
Book Talk: 'Ravenous: how to get ourselves and our planet into shape'
In-person attendance fully booked
Henry Dimbleby
(Lead Non-Executive Board Member, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 17 May 2023
Technology and the future of work
Jacky Wright
(McKinsey & Co)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 18 May 2023
The Cattle-Grain-Beef Complex: Maize, feedlots, and British breeds in the rise of the modern food system
Dr Nathan Sayre
(Professor of Geography, University of California-Berkeley)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 22 May 2023
More productive future-proofed crops via manipulation of photosynthesis to address global food security in 2050
Dr Steve Long
(Ikenberry University Chair of Plant Biology, University of Illinois)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 24 May 2023
Grimsby & Blackpool- how community power is helping them with levelling up
Baroness Valentine of Putney
(Special Projects Director, Business in the Community)
Jason Stockwood
(53 Degrees Capital)
Billy Dasein
(East Marsh United)
Josie Moon
(East Marsh United)
Professor Sir Paul Collier
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 1 June 2023
China's Deepfake Regulations: navigating security, misinformation and innovation
Professor Mimi Zou
(University of Exeter)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 5 June 2023
Panel discussion: 'Kleptocracy and The Financial Action Task Force'
Oliver Bullough
(Author and Journalist)
Dame Margaret Hodge
(MP for Barking and Dagenham)
Dr Susan Hawley
(Spotlight on Corruption)
Professor Jason Sharman
(University of Cambridge)
Professor Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 7 June 2023
Risk, security and democracy: A public conversation
Professor Charles Vincent
(University of Oxford)
Greta Krippner
(University of Michigan)
Émile P. Torres
(Leibniz University Hannover)
Professor Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen
(University of Copenhagen)
Dr Suzanne Schneider
(Brooklyn Institute for Social Research)
Professor Andrew Stirling
(University of Sussex)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 13 June 2023
Panel discussion: 'Uncovering the offshore world: how researchers investigate shell companies, international wealth managers and transnational informal economies'
Prof Brooke Harrington
(Dartmouth College)
Prof Kimberly Hoang
(University of Chicago)
Prof Kristin Surak
(London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE))
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 15 June 2023
Book talk: 'Age of the City: why our future will be won or lost together'
Professor Ian Goldin
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Development)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 12 October 2023
Anthropocene opportunities: unleashing humanity's shared aspirations
Erle Ellis
(University of Maryland)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 26 October 2023
James Martin Memorial lecture: 'Time to look up – in conversation with Rt Hon Sir Alok Sharma about the climate crisis'
Right Honourable Sir Alok Sharma
(MP & President for COP26)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 30 October 2023
The future of global development and implications for Aid
Charles Kenny
(Center for Global Development)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 2 November 2023
'How can we build the sustainable economy?' with Dieter Helm & Dimitri Zenghelis
In-person attendance fully booked. Online attendance still available.
Professor Sir Dieter Helm
(University of Oxford)
Dimitri Zenghelis
(Grantham Institute on Climate Change, LSE)
Oxford Martin School Events
Friday 3 November 2023
Human security versus national security: have we lost our capacity for collective action?
Achim Steiner
(United Nations Development Programme (UNDP))
Baroness Valerie Amos
(University College, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 13 November 2023
Medicine in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Professor Andrew Morris
(Director, Health Data Research UK)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 16 November 2023
Health misinformation: the barriers to its recognition by information consumers and the limits to the concept of medical “truth"
Dr Olessia Koltsova
(Visiting Fellow, Oxford Martin Programme on Misinformation, Science & Media)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 21 November 2023
Book talk: 'The power of platforms: shaping media and society'
Professor Rasmus Kleis Nielsen
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Misinformation, Science and Media)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 27 November 2023
Is conservation working?
Julia Jones
(Professor in conservation science, Bangor University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 16 January 2024
Panel discussion: 'Post-COP28 debrief: Does the agreement go far enough?'
In-person registration now fully booked. Online attendance still available.
Professor Benito Müller
(Oxford Climate Policy)
Professor Myles Allen
(Environmental Change Institute, University Of Oxford)
Dr Abrar Chaudhury
(Said Business School)
Dr Nicola Ranger
(Executive Director, Oxford Martin Systemic Resilience Programme)
Professor Mette Morsing
(Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Friday 2 February 2024
The science and policy of wellbeing
In-person attendance now fully booked. Online attendance still open.
Professor Lord Layard
(Co-Director, Wellbeing Programme, Centre for Economic Performance)
Professor Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
(Saïd Business School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 6 February 2024
Agent-based modelling in public health: from playground to planet
Professor Joshua M. Epstein
(New York University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 19 February 2024
The inequality of wealth
In-person attendance now fully booked. Online attendance still open.
Rt. Hon. Liam Byrne MP
(Chair, House of Commons Business and Trade Select Committee)
Professor Brian Nolan
(Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Professor Barbara Petrongolo
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 21 February 2024
Why governments need scientists
In-person attendance now fully booked. Online attendance still open.
Sir Patrick Vallance
(Former Government Chief Scientific Adviser (2018-2023))
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 22 February 2024
CANCELLED Panel discussion: 'Saving the oceans from the sky'
This event has been cancelled
Professor David Freestone
(Sargasso Sea Commission)
Dr Efthymios (Akis) Papastavridis
(National & Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Professor Catherine Redgewell
(University of Oxford)
Dr Gwilym Rowlands
(Department of Biology)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 26 February 2024
Book talk: 'Not the end of the world: how we can be the first generation to build a sustainable planet'
In-person attendance fully booked. Online attendance still available.
Dr Hannah Ritchie
(Head of Research, Our World in Data)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 27 February 2024
Panel Discussion: 'The great carbon market debate: is it over for offsetting?'
In-person attendance fully booked. Online attendance still available.
Professor Mette Morsing
(Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford)
Prof Myles Allen
(School of Geography and the Environment)
Sabine Frank
(Carbon Market Watch)
Lydia Sheldrake
(Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI))
Kaya Axelsson
(Oxford Net Zero)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 6 March 2024
The UK’s development strategy and the new economic and geopolitical challenges
In-person attendance fully booked. Online attendance still available.
Andrew Mitchell
(Minister of State in the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO))
Professor Stefan Dercon
(Blavatnik School of Government)
Dr Emily Jones
(Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 7 March 2024
Navigating world orders over five millennia: does the past offer clues to the future?
Professor Amitav Acharya
(UNESCO Chair in Transnational Challenges and Governance)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 24 April 2024
Past, present, and future of economic growth: how we should rethink it
In-person attendance is now fully booked. Online attendance still available.
Dr Daniel Susskind
(University of Oxford)
Professor Ian Goldin
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 29 April 2024
The Dr Stanley Ho Memorial Lecture: 'Revisiting genetic determinism: evidence from large population cohorts'
Professor Caroline Wright
(University of Exeter)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 1 May 2024
'Eating to conserve: harnessing seafood sustainability to save threatened sharks' with Dr Divya Karnad
Dr Divya Karnad
(Ashoka University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 2 May 2024
Making sense of chaos: a better economics for a better world
Professor Doyne Farmer
(INET Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 8 May 2024
Historical research in the time of the Anthropocene: can climate data help us read the past (and, if so, how)?
Nicola di Cosmo
(Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton)
Oxford Martin School Events
Friday 17 May 2024
Redesigning AI
Fully booked
Professor Daron Acemoğlu
Professor Isabelle Ferreras
(University of Louvain)
Professor Jeremias Adams-Prassl
Dr Daniel Susskind
(University of Oxford)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 22 May 2024
(Global) value chains in a changing world: challenges and opportunities
Dr Glenn Magerman
(Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB))
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 28 May 2024
Why hydrogen is of strategic importance to scale-up the energy transition
Dr Dirk Smit
(Corporate Chief Scientist, Shell)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 29 May 2024
Migration: past, present and future
Professor Ian Goldin
(Director, Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Development)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 10 June 2024
The role of a global multilateral development bank in the world today
Dr Samuel Munzele Maimbo
(World Bank)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 10 July 2024
'Communicating climate change - messages, messengers, and mechanisms' with Karen Florini (Online only)
Karen Florini
(Climate Central)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 10 September 2024
Panel Discussion: ‘Climate overshoot: devastating risks and possible responses’
This event is now fully booked
Kim Campbell
(Climate Overshoot Commission)
Pascal Lamy
(Climate Overshoot Commission)
Dr Michael Obersteiner
(Environmental Change Institute)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 15 October 2024
Book talk: 'The Universal History of Us' with Tim Coulson in conversation with Charles Godfray
In-person attendance is now fully booked, but online attendance is still available
Professor Tim Coulson
(Department of Biology)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 21 October 2024
'Getting ready for the Anthropocene: overcoming obstacles on the development path for municipal water and sanitation services' with Prof Dale Whittington
Dale Whittington
(University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 23 October 2024
Panel discussion: 'Operationalising climate policy for global net zero emissions'
Professor David Karoly
(School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne)
Dr Thom Wetzer
(Associate Professor of Law and Finance and Founding Director, Oxford Sustainable Law Programme)
Injy Johnstone
(Research Associate in Net Zero Aligned Offsetting, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Kate Cook
(Matrix Chambers)
Oxford Martin School Events
Factors affecting quality of life in adults with epilepsy: insights from South Africa
Nwabisa Mlandu
(Neuroscience Institute, University of Cape Town)
Oxford Martin School Events
Monday 28 October 2024
Book talk: 'Wicked Problems: How to Engineer a Better World' with Guru Madhavan (Online only)
Please note this event is now online only.
Guru Madhavan
(US National Academy of Engineering)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 30 October 2024
Crafting a new global order? The United Nations and international politics in the 1990s
Fabian Klose
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 12 November 2024
Book talk: 'As If Human: Ethics and Artificial Intelligence' - Nigel Shadbolt in conversation with Charles Godfray
Fully Booked
Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 19 November 2024
Chinese global messaging campaigns on Western social media platforms
Dr Naima Green-Riley
(Princeton University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 20 November 2024
'How innovation in the private sector can help address major 21st century challenges' Warren East in conversation with Charles Godfray
Warren East
(Executive in Residence, Saïd Business School & former CEO Rolls-Royce & ARM)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 21 November 2024
Fighting misinformation on social media: the role of economic research
Professor Sergei Guriev
(Dean, London Business School)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 27 November 2024
‘Cities rethought’: a book launch and lunchtime discussion
Michael Keith
(COMPAS, University of Oxford)
Professor Sue Parnell
(University of Bristol)
Professor Edgar Pieterse
(University of Cape Town)
Professor Gillian Rose
(School of Geography and the Environment)
Professor Tim Schwanen
(Transport Studies Unit University of Oxford )
Professor Fran Tonkiss
(London School of Economics and Political Science)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 28 November 2024
Towards a liveable planet: land, energy and food system transitions
Professor Paul Behrens
(British Academy Global Professor)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 21 January 2025
Panel discussion: 'Post-COP29 Debrief: Reflections on a divisive deal'
Prof Sam Fankhauser
(Research Director, Oxford Net Zero Initiative)
Professor Thomas Hale
(Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford)
Dr Injy Johnstone
(Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Jodi-Ann Wang
(University of Oxford)
Ushika Kidd
(Co-President, Oxford Climate Society)
Flora Prideaux
(Co-President, Oxford Climate Society)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 23 January 2025
Understanding pathways of knowledge to action in conservation
Professor Leah Gerber
(Arizona State University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 5 February 2025
In a tough geopolitical climate, how can business and government change the UK's economic fortunes?
Rain Newton-Smith
(Chief Executive, Confederation of British Industry (CBI))
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 11 February 2025
The costs of large teams in innovation
Dr Lingfei Wu
(University of Pittsburgh)
Thursday 13 February 2025
Book talk: 'Science and Politics' - Sir Ian Boyd in conversation with Sir Charles Godfray and Dame Helen Ghosh
Professor Sir Ian Boyd
(University of St Andrews)
Professor Sir Charles Godfray
(Director, Oxford Martin School)
Dame Helen Ghosh
(Master, Balliol College)
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 26 February 2025
Towards re-decentralising the Web: an ethical web and data infrastructure
Professor Ruben Verborgh
(Ghent University)
Sir Tim Berners-Lee
(University of Oxford)
Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt
Oxford Martin School Events
Wednesday 5 March 2025
Nature narratives: Eden, spoils or garden
Professor Sandra Diaz
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 6 March 2025
The billionaire tax: a (modest) proposal for the 21st century
Professor Gabriel Zucman
(Paris School of Economics)
Prof Ricardo Soares de Oliveira
(Department of Politics and International Relations)
Oxford Martin School Events
Tuesday 11 March 2025
Sustainability, prosperity and global decision-making in the age of ecological scarcity
Edward Barbier
(Colorado State University)
Oxford Martin School Events
Thursday 13 March 2025
Using geophysics to understand volcanic eruptions and search for geothermal energy resources
Prof Martyn Unsworth
(University of Alberta)
Oxford Martin School Events